Development of an automatic baggage loading solution for airports

Development of an automatic baggage loading solution for airports

The manual loading of flight luggage into transport containers (unit load devices, ULDs) or onto ramp cartsgenerates high labor costs and is associated with a high physical strain for the workers who have to lift several tons of luggage every day. Due to the complexity of this task, fully automated systems require high investment costs. Additionally, the loading site has to be reconstructed. Thus, only very few fully automated systems have been installed in practice yet. The research conducted within this ZIM-funded project aims at the development of an efficient and affordable fullyautomated loading system which seamlessly integrates into the typicalexisting infrastructure of airports. Our partner AAT Automation GmbH develops the mechanical components of the system. At the IFL, we focus on the selection of an appropriate camera system and the development of the necessary image processing software. The software is used to measure pieces of luggage, identify load devices and determine the filling level of load devices.